Let Us Cleanse Ourselves
2 Corinthians 7:1 (ESV) – Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God.
The Scriptures make clear that all are sinners that fall short of the glory of God. The gospel is the story of God redeeming a people for Himself. He forgives us of our sins. This grace comes through the hearing of and responding to the gospel. Sinners hear the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection and respond with trust in Him. That faith brings justification. We are declared innocent and righteous before God. We are reconciled to our Maker. But what happens after that?
Our passage today talks about the ongoing life of a believer. Once we have received Christ by faith, then what? Paul tells the believers in Corinth, “Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God.”
The promises we have are all the promises of the gospel. We are forgiven of our sins, made children of God, and receive the inheritance of Heaven forever. The Spirit comes to dwell in us. Since we have these promises, we should cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit. This cleansing is necessary because while we are adopted as children of God by faith, we still must strive for practical holiness. We are called to live up to our inheritance, not earn it. We’ve been given righteousness by faith, but we need to then live in that righteousness.
Paul goes into how we should bring holiness to completion in the fear of God. Sanctification is about growing up in our faith. Maturing is about putting off sin and putting on holiness. The cleansing of ourselves is a daily fight. The old man lives within the flesh. We still think sinful thoughts, do sinful deeds, and have sinful impulses. The key is to fight against those through the Word, prayer, community, and the help of the Holy Spirit. Cleanse yourself today in honor of the God who saved you and made you His own.
"Sanctification is about growing
up in our faith.
Maturing is about putting off sin
and putting on holiness.
The key is to fight against sinful
deeds and sinful impulses
through the Word, prayer, community,
and the help of the Holy Spirit."
Reflection & Journal:
- Why do we need to do anything (cleanse ourselves) when God has already forgiven us?
- What things in your life do you still need to clean yourself of?
- How do we practically cleanse ourselves and strive for holiness each day?
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