Recounting With Thanks
Psalm 9:1 (ESV) – I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds.
Some people are more naturally grateful than others. The personalities and temperaments of some incline them toward optimism over pessimism, joy over glibness. While this is true about what is natural to people, everyone has the capacity for gratitude. Gratitude is a choice that is driven by the recognition of God’s goodness.
Our passage today shows us the pathway to gratitude. We read in Psalm 9:1, “I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds.”
David begins this psalm with an exclamation of what he will do. He asserts with authority what actions and affections his heart will take. He declares that he will give thanks to the LORD with his whole heart. This means that his affections will be fully engaged. This is an act of worship for David. The giving of thanks is an active recognition of God’s kindness and provisions. In the next sentence, David continues by saying he will recount all of God’s wonderful deeds. To recount is to remember and number them.
What sort of wonderful deeds is David recounting? This can be two-fold in nature: general actions and particular actions. The recounting of God’s wonderful deeds could include His works in creation: formation of the galaxies, the beauty of the stars, the intricacies of the earth’s systems. It could be a recounting of God’s creation of a covenant with mankind through Abraham despite humanity’s sinfulness. For the Christian, it can include the sending of Christ, the gospel coming to us, and the work of the Spirit in our lives today.
David also recounts those particular blessings God had performed in his life. God made him king, provided for him wives and children, loyal friends and soldiers, and mercy despite his grave sins. Like David, we all have particular areas of blessing to be thankful for. God has been so good to us in so many ways. The fact that you are reading this devotional indicates so many layers of blessings in your life: you’re alive to read it, you have been exposed to the gospel, you have a heart that desires to know God more, and much more. Reasons for gratitude surround you at every turn. Give thanks today with your whole heart. He is worthy.
"I will give thanks to
the LORD with my whole heart;
I will recount all of your wonderful deeds."
– Psalm 9:1 (ESV)
Reasons for gratitude
surround you at every turn.
Give thanks today with your whole heart.
He is worthy.
Reflection & Journal:
- Why is gratitude and thankfulness so important in our lives?
- What are some examples of general blessings and particular blessings you are thankful God has given you?
- How can we protect ourselves from ingratitude?
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