Does Rome need the Gospel? How and Why We Engage with Roman Catholicism

Does Rome need the Gospel? How and Why We Engage with Roman Catholicism

by Josh Brown
TOPIC:Missions,  The Church
As a cross-cultural missionary relocating to Rome, a question I’m often asked centers around why there is a need to plant evangelical... read more
Why Pray for Missions if God is Sovereign?

Why Pray for Missions if God is Sovereign?

by Christian Townson
TOPIC:Learning: Moving From The Shallow End To The Deep Waters Of Theology,  Abiding: Moving From Simple Belief To Walking In Communion With Christ,  Persevering: Moving From Cultural Conformity To Being Rooted In The Timeless Truth Of Scripture,  Missions,  Salvation
Why Pray for Missions if God is Sovereign? ... read more
What Does the Bible Say About Refugees/Immigrants/Internationals?

What Does the Bible Say About Refugees/Immigrants/Internationals?

by Christian Townson
TOPIC:Missions,  Politics
Twelve years ago, my parents opened a broken screen door. As we walked into the apartment, a flurry of children greeted us as we sat down... read more
What Happens to Those Who Never Hear the Gospel?

What Happens to Those Who Never Hear the Gospel?

by Christian Townson
TOPIC:Learning: Moving From The Shallow End To The Deep Waters Of Theology,  Missions
People who do not hear the Gospel will be separated from God forever. There is no exception. However, we've been given the game plan to... read more
The Mission Field Next Door

The Mission Field Next Door

by Christian Townson
“I have nothing to lose by following Christ, but everything to lose by not following Him.” - Aleesia ... read more
We Are Called to the Nations, but Are Our Kids?

We Are Called to the Nations, but Are Our Kids?

by Brady Spurlock
TOPIC:Abiding: Moving From Simple Belief To Walking In Communion With Christ,  Evangelism,  Missions,  The Church,  Decision Making
In the coming months, my family and I will be moving to the mission field and will stay until the Lord calls us somewhere else…if that... read more
The Universal Call To Missions

The Universal Call To Missions

by Christian Townson
TOPIC:Learning: Moving From The Shallow End To The Deep Waters Of Theology,  Abiding: Moving From Simple Belief To Walking In Communion With Christ,  Persevering: Moving From Cultural Conformity To Being Rooted In The Timeless Truth Of Scripture,  Missions
For some Christians, “missions” is something for a specific group of people. It is for those “called” to overseas work. It is for... read more
Why Missions?

Why Missions?

by Christian Townson
TOPIC:Learning: Moving From The Shallow End To The Deep Waters Of Theology,  Missions
When we think of missions, we might bring to mind faithful believers sharing the Gospel in far off places. We might think of those leaving... read more