Twitter Thread Article: The 7 “I Am” Statements Jesus Forces Us to Deal With

Twitter Thread Article: The 7 “I Am” Statements Jesus Forces Us to Deal With

by Erik Reed
TOPIC:Learning: Moving From The Shallow End To The Deep Waters Of Theology,  New Testament,  The Bible (or “Scripture”)
This article series shares Pastor Erik’s latest Twitter posts as articles for anyone to read, whether you have access to Twitter or not.... read more
1 Corinthians 13: It’s Not Just for Newlyweds!

1 Corinthians 13: It’s Not Just for Newlyweds!

by John Page
TOPIC:Learning: Moving From The Shallow End To The Deep Waters Of Theology,  New Testament,  Spiritual Disciplines,  The Church
We’ve all been there – watching the loving couple stare into each other’s eyes as they try concentrating on the pastor’s words. The... read more
Twitter Thread Article: The Bible Doesn’t Blush to Say Churches Were Growing in Their Numbers

Twitter Thread Article: The Bible Doesn’t Blush to Say Churches Were Growing in Their Numbers

by Erik Reed
TOPIC:Trusting: Moving From Unbiblical Views To A God-Glorifying Understanding Of Suffering,  New Testament,  The Bible (or “Scripture”),  The Church
Acts 16:5 (ESV) “So the churches were being strengthened in the faith, and were increasing in number daily.” ... read more