Baptism Readiness

Baptism Readiness

by Nick Judd
TOPIC:Salvation,  The Church
Earlier this week we talked about how to approach the topic of When A Child Says They Want To Follow Christ, you can find that article... read more
When a Child Says They Want to Follow Christ

When a Child Says They Want to Follow Christ

by Nick Judd
TOPIC:Salvation,  The Church
As I tucked my nine-year-old son in one night, he looked up at me and said, “Dad, how can I be an ally?” I was confused. I wasn’t... read more
Why Pray for Missions if God is Sovereign?

Why Pray for Missions if God is Sovereign?

by Christian Townson
TOPIC:Learning: Moving From The Shallow End To The Deep Waters Of Theology,  Abiding: Moving From Simple Belief To Walking In Communion With Christ,  Persevering: Moving From Cultural Conformity To Being Rooted In The Timeless Truth Of Scripture,  Missions,  Salvation
Why Pray for Missions if God is Sovereign? ... read more
Carried to the Table

Carried to the Table

by Joseph Bradley
TOPIC:Learning: Moving From The Shallow End To The Deep Waters Of Theology,  Old Testament,  Salvation
I have been reading the Old Testament a lot lately. Sometimes I find it difficult to understand. Occasionally, even when I understand the... read more
Satisfaction in Christ

Satisfaction in Christ

by Brandon Sutton
TOPIC:Learning: Moving From The Shallow End To The Deep Waters Of Theology,  Abiding: Moving From Simple Belief To Walking In Communion With Christ,  Salvation,  Cultural Christianity
I didn’t grow up in a Christian home, and by the age of 15 I developed a strong drug addiction. For much of my teenage career, I was told... read more
What Does the Bible Say About Hell: Who Will Be in Hell?

What Does the Bible Say About Hell: Who Will Be in Hell?

by Brandon Sutton
TOPIC:Learning: Moving From The Shallow End To The Deep Waters Of Theology,  Attributes of God,  Salvation,  The Bible (or “Scripture”),  Biblical Interpretation,  Cultural Christianity,  Hell
In my last article, Is Hell a Real Place?, I shared what the Bible has to say about Hell. It’s a real, dreadful place, and one believers... read more
What Does the Bible Teach About Hell: Is Hell a Real Place?

What Does the Bible Teach About Hell: Is Hell a Real Place?

by Brandon Sutton
TOPIC:Learning: Moving From The Shallow End To The Deep Waters Of Theology,  Salvation,  The Bible (or “Scripture”),  Hell
Do a quick Twitter search of the word “Hell.” What you will find is that this biblical term, designed to describe a place of conscious,... read more