Baptism Readiness

Baptism Readiness

by Nick Judd
TOPIC:Salvation,  The Church
Earlier this week we talked about how to approach the topic of When A Child Says They Want To Follow Christ, you can find that article... read more
When a Child Says They Want to Follow Christ

When a Child Says They Want to Follow Christ

by Nick Judd
TOPIC:Salvation,  The Church
As I tucked my nine-year-old son in one night, he looked up at me and said, “Dad, how can I be an ally?” I was confused. I wasn’t... read more
How Should I Go About Dating?

How Should I Go About Dating?

by Hunter Christian
TOPIC:The Church,  Marriage,  Cultural Christianity,  Decision Making
This is part 3 of a 3 part series on dating. ... read more
Who Should I Consider Dating?

Who Should I Consider Dating?

by Hunter Christian
TOPIC:The Church,  Marriage,  Cultural Christianity,  Decision Making
This is part 2 of a 3 part series. You can find part 1 here. ... read more
Is Dating Biblical?

Is Dating Biblical?

by Phil Cudd
TOPIC:The Church,  Marriage,  Cultural Christianity,  Decision Making
This question has been in front of the Church since the practice of dating became a part of American culture around the 1920s. You read... read more
Student Ministry is the HARDEST Ministry in the Church

Student Ministry is the HARDEST Ministry in the Church

by Erik Reed
TOPIC:The Church
This article series presents Pastor Erik's Twitter posts as articles, making them accessible for everyone to read, regardless of their... read more
Making The Big Decision - Where Should I Serve in Church

Making The Big Decision - Where Should I Serve in Church

by Brandon Sutton
TOPIC:The Church,  Decision Making
Christians are called to serve. Every believer “has received a (spiritual) gift” and we should use that gift “to serve one another”... read more
Developments That Changed Culture

Developments That Changed Culture

by Erik Reed
TOPIC:The Church,  Cultural Christianity,  Post-Christianity
This article series presents Pastor Erik's Twitter posts as articles, making them accessible for everyone to read, regardless of their... read more
Making The Big Decision - Finding A Church

Making The Big Decision - Finding A Church

by Kevin Niebuhr
TOPIC:Abiding: Moving From Simple Belief To Walking In Communion With Christ,  The Church,  Decision Making
Every good article begins with a hook. You want it to be something that grabs the reader’s attention and perks their interest. This can... read more
Build Men and Rebuild Society

Build Men and Rebuild Society

by Erik Reed
TOPIC:Discipleship,  The Church,  Cultural Christianity,  Gender roles,  Post-Christianity
People throw around the phrase “toxic masculinity” to describe virtues of manhood that are far from toxic but needed in our world. To... read more
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