Twitter Thread Article: The Bible Doesn’t Blush to Say Churches Were Growing in Their Numbers

Twitter Thread Article: The Bible Doesn’t Blush to Say Churches Were Growing in Their Numbers

by Erik Reed
TOPIC:Trusting: Moving From Unbiblical Views To A God-Glorifying Understanding Of Suffering,  New Testament,  The Bible (or “Scripture”),  The Church
Acts 16:5 (ESV) “So the churches were being strengthened in the faith, and were increasing in number daily.” ... read more
Twitter Thread Article: Pastors and Ministry Leaders Must Shepherd Parents and Students Amidst the Sexual Revolution

Twitter Thread Article: Pastors and Ministry Leaders Must Shepherd Parents and Students Amidst the Sexual Revolution

by Erik Reed
TOPIC:Persevering: Moving From Cultural Conformity To Being Rooted In The Timeless Truth Of Scripture,  LGBTQ+,  Attributes of God,  The Church,  Cultural Christianity,  Gender roles,  Post-Christianity
The sexual revolution has conquered the culture and nearly every institution in society. This is the context the families in your church... read more
Grieving a Miscarriage Part 2: For the Comforter

Grieving a Miscarriage Part 2: For the Comforter

by Brett Perkins
TOPIC:Learning: Moving From The Shallow End To The Deep Waters Of Theology,  Abiding: Moving From Simple Belief To Walking In Communion With Christ,  Trusting: Moving From Unbiblical Views To A God-Glorifying Understanding Of Suffering,  The Church,  Depression,  Grief,  Marriage
Between August of 2021 and February of 2022, my wife and I lost two children to miscarriages. We were devastated. Through this season of... read more
Grieving a Miscarriage Part 1: For the Mourner

Grieving a Miscarriage Part 1: For the Mourner

by Brett Perkins
TOPIC:Abiding: Moving From Simple Belief To Walking In Communion With Christ,  Trusting: Moving From Unbiblical Views To A God-Glorifying Understanding Of Suffering,  The Church,  Depression,  Grief,  Marriage
In August of 2021, my wife and I joined the club that no one talks about and no parent desires to join. We lost a child to a miscarriage.... read more
Making Wise New Year's Resolutions: 7 Ways to Start the Year Right

Making Wise New Year's Resolutions: 7 Ways to Start the Year Right

by Brandon Sutton
TOPIC:Abiding: Moving From Simple Belief To Walking In Communion With Christ,  Spiritual Disciplines,  The Church,  Decision Making
The New Year is coming, and this is the time of the year we all look for ways to better ourselves. There is nothing inherently biblical... read more
Should I Leave My Church? 7 Biblical Reasons to Leave

Should I Leave My Church? 7 Biblical Reasons to Leave

by Brandon Sutton
TOPIC:Learning: Moving From The Shallow End To The Deep Waters Of Theology,  Doctrinal Tiers,  Discipleship,  The Church,  Decision Making
In my last two articles Should I Leave My Church? 8 Bad Reasons To Leave and Should I Leave My Church? 7 More Bad Reasons To Leave, I... read more
Should I Leave My Church? 7 More Bad Reasons to Leave

Should I Leave My Church? 7 More Bad Reasons to Leave

by Brandon Sutton
TOPIC:Learning: Moving From The Shallow End To The Deep Waters Of Theology,  Abiding: Moving From Simple Belief To Walking In Communion With Christ,  Doctrinal Tiers,  Discipleship,  The Church,  Decision Making
Wen woke up early in the morning. His bags were already packed. He gathered his family and quietly made it out of their village in the... read more
Should I Leave My Church? 8 Bad Reasons to Leave

Should I Leave My Church? 8 Bad Reasons to Leave

by Brandon Sutton
TOPIC:Learning: Moving From The Shallow End To The Deep Waters Of Theology,  Abiding: Moving From Simple Belief To Walking In Communion With Christ,  Doctrinal Tiers,  Discipleship,  Spiritual Disciplines,  The Church
As a brand-new pastor, when I saw John and Kelly come in the door one Sunday morning, I was excited. I was even more elated when they... read more
The Lost Virtue of Doing Your Duty

The Lost Virtue of Doing Your Duty

by Erik Reed
TOPIC:Abiding: Moving From Simple Belief To Walking In Communion With Christ,  Persevering: Moving From Cultural Conformity To Being Rooted In The Timeless Truth Of Scripture,  The Church,  Decision Making
The Queen of England died on September 8, and in many ways, one of the last bastions of traditional virtue died with her. The ancients... read more
We Are Called to the Nations, but Are Our Kids?

We Are Called to the Nations, but Are Our Kids?

by Brady Spurlock
TOPIC:Abiding: Moving From Simple Belief To Walking In Communion With Christ,  Evangelism,  Missions,  The Church,  Decision Making
In the coming months, my family and I will be moving to the mission field and will stay until the Lord calls us somewhere else…if that... read more
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