Five Reasons Why Pastors Struggle Making Friends

Five Reasons Why Pastors Struggle Making Friends

by Brandon Sutton
TOPIC:Abiding: Moving From Simple Belief To Walking In Communion With Christ,  The Church,  Pastoral Life
Recently, I wrote an article entitled, Pastors Need Friends in the Ministry. In that piece, I highlighted my own struggles as a pastor and... read more
Pastors Need Friends in the Ministry

Pastors Need Friends in the Ministry

by Brandon Sutton
TOPIC:Learning: Moving From The Shallow End To The Deep Waters Of Theology,  The Church,  Pastoral Life
Just months before celebrating 10 years of pastoring, and right before received a Master of Divinity degree following 7 plus years at... read more
Losing My Religion: Why College Students Must Plug into a Local Church

Losing My Religion: Why College Students Must Plug into a Local Church

by Hunter Christian
TOPIC:Learning: Moving From The Shallow End To The Deep Waters Of Theology,  Abiding: Moving From Simple Belief To Walking In Communion With Christ,  Persevering: Moving From Cultural Conformity To Being Rooted In The Timeless Truth Of Scripture,  Discipleship,  The Church,  Cultural Christianity,  Decision Making
Young adulthood is a time spent on the move. Moving from home, moving to college, moving for a first job, moving to get married – it’s... read more
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